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VOICE-BODY CONNECTION with Elissa Weinzimmer, Sunday, October 27, 2-3:30pm – Admission – $15

Elissa is the founder of Voice Body Connection, and so excited to be taking up residence at the Muse to offer somatic voice workshops and private lessons. She’s been teaching voicework for over 13 years. Her sessions go beyond a traditional singing lesson with a piano… as her expertise helps her students reduce vocal tension, develop a more confident speaking voice, and experience more freedom with singing. (Check out her most popular youtube laryngeal massage video here). If you’re someone who’s been to speech or music therapy in the past, or thinks you may benefit from work like that, her lessons pick up where speech and music therapy leave off. In her sessions you may do movement practices on a yoga mat, anatomy lessons, tension release exercises, chanting, and articulation practice, to name some possibilities. Elissa is offering private lessons at The Muse. For inquiries please contact her at elissa@voicebodyconnection.com.

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